All Het Goede Doel: A-Z Song Lyrics

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Het Goede Doel songs

Het Goede Doel   Het Goede Doel (in English: The Good Cause) is a Dutch pop duo made up of Henk Westbroek and Henk Temming.

The duo performed with an accompanying band made up of Sander van Herk (guitar), Roland Jongeneel, Stephan Wienjus (bass) and Ab Tamboer (drums). Others joining in later included Arnold van Dongen (guitar), Lené te Voorhuis (bass) and Danny Sahupala (drums).

They recorded an English version of their 1982 hit 'België (Is er leven op Pluto?)'.
Source: Wikipedia

All Songs by Het Goede Doel sorted by Alphabet

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Artist submitted on 11-02-2014

Albums by Het Goede Doel
Gekkenwerk (2008)
Mooi En Onverslijtbaar (1986)
Tempo Doeloe (1983)
België (1983)