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Pillar songs

Pillar   Pillar is a Christian rock band currently located in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Confessions, their eighth studio album and sixth with a major label, was released in 2009.

On October 27, 2012 Pillar announced that the four members from the 'peak years' (Rob Beckley, Noah Henson, Michael Kalel Wittig and Lester Estelle) would be reuniting with plans of releasing a new album, which is now scheduled for release in February 2015.
Source: Wikipedia

All Songs by Pillar sorted by Alphabet

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Artist submitted on 10-27-2013

Albums by Pillar
Confessions (2009)
For The Love Of The Game (2008)
The Reckoning (2006)
Where Do We Go From Here (2004)
Fireproof (2002)
Above (2000)