All Rick Astley: A-Z Song Lyrics

Rick Astley - Music, Song Lyrics and Videos by Alphabet

Rick Astley songs

Rick Astley   Richard Paul 'Rick' Astley (born 6 February 1966) is an English singer, songwriter, musician, and radio personality. Widely known for his 1987 song, 'Never Gonna Give You Up', a No. 1 hit single in 25 countries, Astley is the only male solo artist to have his first 8 singles reach the Top 10 in the UK. By the time of his retirement in 1993, Astley had sold approximately 40 million records worldwide.
Source: Wikipedia

All Songs by Rick Astley sorted by Alphabet

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Artist submitted on 09-07-2009

Albums by Rick Astley
Portrait (2005)
Keep It Turned On (2002)
Body & Soul (1993)
Free (1991)
Hold Me in Your Arms (1988)
Whenever You Need Somebody (1987)