All Tennis: A-Z Song Lyrics

Tennis - Music, Song Lyrics and Videos by Alphabet

Tennis songs

Tennis   Tennis is an American indie pop band from Denver, Colorado, United States, made up of husband-and-wife duo Alaina Moore and Patrick Riley. The duo formed in 2010, and released their debut album, Cape Dory, in 2011. Their second album, Young & Old, was released the following year. Their third release, Ritual in Repeat (2014), was released on Communion records. Yours Conditionally, was released in 2017.
Source: Wikipedia

All Songs by Tennis sorted by Alphabet

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Artist submitted on 03-14-2017

Albums by Tennis
Yours Conditionally (2017)
Small Sound (2015)
Ritual In Repeat (2014)
Young & Old (2012)
Cape Dory (2011)