All Kid Ink: A-Z Song Lyrics

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Kid Ink songs

Kid Ink   Brian Todd Collins (born April 1, 1986 in Los Angeles, California), best known by his stage name Kid Ink, is an American rapper from Los Angeles, signed to RCA Records. In his career, Kid Ink released the independent album Up & Away, an EP titled Almost Home and his second studio album My Own Lane. My Own Lane spawned the successful singles 'Show Me', 'Iz U Down' and 'Main Chick'. On February 3, 2015, he released his third studio album 'Full Speed'. 'Full Speed' spawned the successful singles 'Body Language ', 'Hotel' and 'Be Real'.
Source: Wikipedia

All Songs by Kid Ink sorted by Alphabet


Artist Kid Ink submitted on 06-26-2012

Albums by Kid Ink
Summer In The Winter (2015)
Full Speed (2015)
My Own Lane (2014)
Up & Away (2012)