All Laura Marling: A-Z Song Lyrics

Laura Marling - Music, Song Lyrics and Videos by Alphabet

Laura Marling songs

Laura Marling   Laura Beatrice Marling (born 1 February 1990) is a British folk singer-songwriter and musician from Eversley, Hampshire. Her debut album Alas, I Cannot Swim, her second album I Speak Because I Can, and her fourth album Once I Was an Eagle were each nominated for the Mercury Music Prize in 2008, 2010, and 2013, respectively.
Source: Wikipedia

All Songs by Laura Marling sorted by Alphabet

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Artist submitted on 12-28-2013

Albums by Laura Marling
Semper Femina (2017)
Short Movie (2015)
Once I Was An Eagle (2013)
A Creature I Don't Know (2011)
I Speak Because I Can (2010)
Alas, I Cannot Swim (2008)