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Nick & Simon songs

Nick & Simon   Nick & Simon is a Dutch singer-songwriter duo composed of Simon Keizer and Nick Schilder. They gained lots of success in their home country the Netherlands in 2006. Their album 'Luister' ('Listen') went double platinum in 4 months. In June 2011 they tried to find 'The American Dream' in their own TV docu show: Nick & Simon, The American Dream.

Nick had his first appearance on TV on Idols, the Dutch version of Idol, where he became 11th. With his good friend Simon, they began to perform together. Nick and Simon were the most booked artists in the Netherlands in 2007.

The duo were coaches in the first three seasons of The Voice of Holland. Nick & Simon did not return for the fourth season in 2013 and were replaced by Ilse DeLange.
Source: Wikipedia

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Artist Nick & Simon submitted on 05-25-2014

Albums by Nick & Simon
Sterker (2012)
Fier (2010)