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Rush Of Fools songs

Rush Of Fools   Rush of Fools is a Christian rock/contemporary Christian music band from Alabama, U.S. They are known for their 2007 hit single 'Undo', co-written with producer Scott Davis, which was the most played song of 2007 on Adult Contemporary Christian Music radio stations according to R&R magazine. It was the No. 1 Christian song for five consecutive weeks from June 4 to July 2, 2007 on 20 The Countdown Magazine's charts. Their second single 'When Our Hearts Sing' was the seventh most played song of 2007. The band's name was taken from the Biblical passage, 1 Corinthians 1:26-31.

The band's second album, Wonder of the World, was released on September 16, 2008. It features their hit song 'Lose it All'.

For their third album, the band changed to the record label eOne Christian Music. The album is titled We Once Were and was released on September 27, 2011. The lead single, 'Grace Found Me' was released June 24, 2011.
Source: Wikipedia

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Artist Rush Of Fools submitted on 10-21-2013

Albums by Rush Of Fools
We Once Were (2011)
Wonder Of The World (2008)
Rush Of Fools (2007)