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Vanessa Paradis songs

Vanessa Paradis   Vanessa Chantal Paradis (born 22 December 1972), known as Vanessa Paradis, is a French singer, model and actress.

She became a child star at 14 with the worldwide success of her single 'Joe le taxi'. Since 1991, Paradis has been a spokesmodel for Chanel. She was in a relationship with American actor Johnny Depp from 1998 to 2012, with whom she has two children. Vanessa's sister, Alysson Paradis, is also an actress.
Source: Wikipedia

All Songs by Vanessa Paradis sorted by Alphabet


Artist Vanessa Paradis submitted on 07-22-2010

Albums by Vanessa Paradis
Divinidylle (2007)
Bliss (2000)
Vanessa Paradis (1992)
M&J (1988)