Guns N' Roses Song Lyrics - You're Crazy

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G N' R Lies - Guns N' Roses lyrics

You're Crazy
Guns N' Roses Song Lyrics

Artist: Guns N' Roses
Album: G N' R Lies (1988)

I've been lookin' for a trace
Lookin' for a heart,
Lookin' for a lover in a world
That's much too dark
Because you don't want my love, no, no
You wanna sati-satisfaction
Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah, ow!
You don't need my love
You got to find yourself another
Another piece, another piece of the action,
Yeah, ow yeah, look out

Say where ya goin? what you gonna do?
I been lookin' everywhere said I,
I been lookin' for you
Because you don't want my love, no, no
You wanna sati-satisfaction
Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah
You don't need my love
You got to find yourself another
Another piece, another piece
Of the action

You're crazy, hey, hey
You know you're crazy, oh my!
You're fuckin' crazy, oh child
You know you're crazy
Ay,ay,ay,ay,ay,ay,ah,ah,ah,ah, yeah!
Woh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah
Oh na,no,na,no,na,no,na,no,na,no,no,no
No,no,no, no, no, no, no,no,no,no,no,no
No,no,no! oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no, ow! -woooh, yeah!

Say, boy, where ya comin' from?
Where'd ya get that point of view?
When I was younger
I knew a motherfucker like you,
And she said,
'you don't need my love,
You wanna sati-satisfaction,' bitch
You don't need my love,
You've got to find yourself another
Another piece, another piece
Of the action

You're crazy, hey, hey
You know you're crazy, oh my!
You're fuckin' crazy, oh child
You know you're crazy, ay, ay, ay, ay,
You know you're crazy, hey, hey,
You're fuckin' crazy, oh child,
You know you're crazy, ay, ay, ay, ay,
You're fuckin' crazy, yeah
You know you are!
Bring it down!
You're fuckin' crazy!

Home > Guns N' Roses > You're Crazy



G N' R Lies lyrics Artist: Guns N' Roses
Album: G N' R Lies
Release: (1988)

  You're Crazy

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