Issues Song Lyrics - Someone Who Does
Someone Who Does - Song Lyrics - by Issues

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Below you can read the song lyrics of Someone Who Does by Issues, found in Album Headspace released by Issues in 2016. Remember that you can play this song at the right column of this page by clicking on the PLAY button. You can also use the lyrics scroller to sing along with the music and adjust the speed by using the arrows. Press CTRL-D on your keyboard to bookmark this page. Report broken, missing or wrong video to us here and we will fix it.

Headspace - Issues lyrics

Someone Who Does
Issues Song Lyrics

Artist: Issues
Album: Headspace (2016)

Hopeless, just a kid with a craving
To make memories with my father
It's taken a lifetime to chase 'em
That's why I seem to reserve this space in my head
For the grudges of all the nights you didn't tuck us into bed
Never showing up to my games
Never taking us to arcades
Seems like nothing has changed
When you don't show up for my shows
But straight up wait till the day of
To tell me that you can't make it
So I hit the stage and it's raining
I'm a man no thanks to you dad.

You're so quick to move on
What about the ones you left behind
How am I supposed to be strong
When you're the weak one.

I've had so much I could say to you
But you'll never get the chance to know me
It's all I've ever asked for
And I've had this craving to be close to you
But you'll never get the chance to know me
It's all I've asked for.

Selfless, a mother who wouldn't eat
Just so we could have the money to keep up the same routines
She got a new job, and a new house, and a new life, and a new love
So next time you call we probably won't pick up no.

I see visions of a perfect family
And what the fuck that even means
Then I see the way you sacrifice
Everything for everyone except me.

You're so quick to move on
What about the ones you left behind
How am I supposed to be strong
You're the weak one.

I've had so much I could say to you
But you'll never get the chance to know me
It's all I've ever asked for
And I've had this craving to be close to you
But you'll never get the chance to know me
It's all I've asked for.

Tell me bout how
You're so damn proud
I know you love me
But you gotta leave now
Nah, you don't care about us
Tell me how the hell you sleep at night
I hope your new life is worth the sacrifice
You don't care bout us
But I know someone who does
I know someone who does.

I have so much I could say to you
But you'll never get the chance to know me
It's all I've ever asked for
And I've had this craving to be close to you
But you'll never get the chance to know me
It's all I've asked for.

I know someone who does
But I know someone who does
Get a new job, and a new house, get a new life, and a new love
Get a new house, get a new job, get a new life, and a new love
Got a new love, got a new love, new love, new love.

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Lyrics published on 03/23/2020 | Correct these lyrics or Submit your Lyrics for Issues.

Home > Issues > Someone Who Does

Headspace lyrics Artist: Issues
Album: Headspace
Song: Someone Who Does
Release: (2016)

  Someone Who Does

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