Jack White Song Lyrics - Everything You've Ever Learned

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Boarding House Reach - Jack White lyrics

Everything You've Ever Learned
Jack White Song Lyrics

Artist: Jack White
Album: Boarding House Reach (2018)

Welcome to everything you've ever learned
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Welcome to everything you've ever learned
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Hello, hello
Welcome to everything you've ever learned
Brought to you by.

Do you want everything?
Then you can have everything
What is everything?

Do you wish for nothing?
Then you will have nothing
Now that is something.

Do you wanna see it all?
Well, you can just open your eyes
The one who is prepared, is never surprised.

Do you wanna question everything?
Then think of a good question.

Do you wanna start a fire?
Well you can watch it burn.

Do you wanna learn?
Then shut up and learn.

Do you wanna learn?
Then shut up
Shut up
Shut up and learn.

Shut up and learn.

Home > Jack White > Everything You've Ever Learned



Boarding House Reach lyrics Artist: Jack White
Album: Boarding House Reach
Release: (2018)

  Everything You've Ever Learned

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