Jason Isbell Song Lyrics - Relatively Easy

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Southeastern - Jason Isbell lyrics

Relatively Easy
Jason Isbell Song Lyrics

Artist: Jason Isbell
Album: Southeastern (2013)

Are you having a long day
Everyone you meet rubs you the wrong way
Dirty city streets smell like an ashtray
Morning bells are ringing in your ears.

Is your brother on a church kick
Seems like just a different kind of dopesick
Better off to teach a dog a card trick
Than try to have a point and make it clear.

You should know, compared to people on a global scale
Our kind has had it relatively easy
And here with you there's always something to look forward to
My angry heart beats relatively easy.

I lost a good friend
At christmastime when folks go off the deep end
His woman took the kids and he took klonopin
Enough to kill a man of twice his size.

Not for me to understand
Remember him when he was still a proud man
A vandal's smile, a baseball in his right hand
Nothing but the blue sky in his eyes.

Still, compared to those a stones-throw away from you
Our lives have both been relatively easy
Take a year and make a break there ain't that much at stake
The answers could be relatively easy.

Watch that lucky man walk to work again
He may not have a friend left in the world
See him walking home again to sleep alone
I step into a shop to buy a postcard for a girl.

I broke the law, boys,
Shooting out the windows of my loft, boys
When they picked me up, I made a big noise
Everything to blame except my mind.

I should say, I keep your picture with me every day
The evenings now are relatively easy
Here with you there's always something to look forward to
My lonely heart beats relatively easy
My lonely heart beats relatively easy.

Home > Jason Isbell > Relatively Easy



Southeastern lyrics Artist: Jason Isbell
Album: Southeastern
Release: (2013)

  Relatively Easy

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