Matthew Good Song Lyrics - So Close

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Arrows Of Desire - Matthew Good lyrics

So Close
Matthew Good Song Lyrics

Artist: Matthew Good
Album: Arrows Of Desire (2013)

There was a bird from camden high street
That hit the thames just short of battersea
And all the time it flew it sang young man blues
Ain't got nothing in the world these days
Just the world don't know it's true

So close

Days of rage
Oh us pioneers
If you ain't on your back taking it get out of here
And if somehow you do, you sing young man blues
Ain't got nothing in the world these days
Just the world don't know it's true

So close

Keep us alive on 45
Don't let the wolves get anything
Keep us alive on 45
It may mean more than anything

Home > Matthew Good > So Close



Arrows Of Desire lyrics Artist: Matthew Good
Album: Arrows Of Desire
Release: (2013)

  So Close

More music by Matthew Good

Arrows Of Desire (2013)
Vancouver (2009)


Karaoke scroller

There was a bird from camden high street
That hit the thames just short of battersea
And all the time it flew it sang young man blues
Ain't got nothing in the world these days
Just the world don't know it's true

So close

Days of rage
Oh us pioneers
If you ain't on your back taking it get out of here
And if somehow you do, you sing young man blues
Ain't got nothing in the world these days
Just the world don't know it's true

So close

Keep us alive on 45
Don't let the wolves get anything
Keep us alive on 45
It may mean more than anything

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