Parachute Song Lyrics - Dance Around It
Dance Around It - Song Lyrics - by Parachute

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Below you can read the song lyrics of Dance Around It by Parachute, found in Album Parachute released by Parachute in 2019. Remember that you can play this song at the right column of this page by clicking on the PLAY button. You can also use the lyrics scroller to sing along with the music and adjust the speed by using the arrows. Press CTRL-D on your keyboard to bookmark this page. Report broken, missing or wrong video to us here and we will fix it.

Parachute - Parachute lyrics

Dance Around It
Parachute Song Lyrics

Artist: Parachute
Album: Parachute (2019)

You don't want to be alone
I'm afraid that I'll never do better
Talking on the bedroom floor
Trying to keep it all together
Cause even when it's no one's fault
Even though we'll still be friends
We don't want to start again.

You don't want to speak the truth
I don't want to be the one to break it
Hoping if we both just wait
The other one is gonna say it
We know that the music stopped
But we already came this far
So we don't want to give it up.

Oh so we just dance around it
Too scared to do it
Don't want to lose it
So we just dance around it
Dance around it
Last song is playing
Don't want to face it
So we just dance around it.

Funny when it's running out
How you wonder where the time goes
Remember how I slipped that first night
Trying to sneak in through the window?
Woke the whole house up
Still never seen you laugh so much
But memories are not enough.

Oh so we just dance around it
Too scared to do it
Don't want to lose it
So we just dance around it
Dance around it
Last song is playing
Don't want to face it
So we just dance around it.

Oh we know we're hanging by a feeling
But it's hard when we'd rather just believe it
Oh we know we're hanging by a feeling
But it's hard when we'd rather just believe it.

Oh so we just dance around it
Too scared to do it
Don't want to lose it
So we just dance around it
Dance around it
Last song is playing
Don't want to face it
So we just dance around it
We just dance around it.

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Lyrics published on 04/16/2020 | Correct these lyrics or Submit your Lyrics for Parachute.

Home > Parachute > Dance Around It

Parachute lyrics Artist: Parachute
Album: Parachute
Song: Dance Around It
Release: (2019)

  Dance Around It

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