Raef Song Lyrics - It's Jumuah (Friday)
It's Jumuah (Friday) - Song Lyrics - by Raef

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Raef lyrics

It's Jumuah (Friday)
Raef Song Lyrics

Artist: Raef

5am waking up for fajr
Got to make wudu, got to pray my sunnah
Got to make ghusl, got to clip my nails
Looking outside, the sun is rising up in the sky
Everybody's rushing
Got to get down to the masjid
Got to say 'salam!' to the imam.

Sitting in the first saff, chilling in the back saff
Got to make my mind up... do what the prophet did!

It's jumuah! jumuah!
Got to make dhikr on jumuah,
Everybody's looking forward to his mercy, mercy
Jumuah! jumuah!
Got to make dhikr on jumuah,
Everybody's looking forward to the ajr
Miswaking!, miswaking!
Miswaking!, miswaking!
Pray, pray, pray, pray
Got to read surat al-kahf.

1245 the imam's on the minbar
Talking about something like 'fiqh az-zakat'
They're whispering, chatting from the crowd
Don't they know that it's haram
I stand up, you stand up
Prayer's about to start 'qad, qaamat es-salaah'
Foot to foot! shoulder to shoulder! just don't step on me!

Sitting in the first saff, chilling in the back saff
Got to make my mind up... do what the prophet did!

It's jumuah! jumuah!
Got to make dhikr on jumuah,
Everybody's looking forward to his mercy, mercy
Jumuah! jumuah!
Got to make dhikr on jumuah,
Everybody's looking forward to the ajr
Miswaking!, miswaking!
Miswaking!, miswaking!
Pray , pray, pray , pray
Got to read surat al-kahf.

It's jumuah jumuah
Got to make dhikr on jumuah,
Everybody's looking forward to his mercy, mercy
Jumuah! jumuah!
Got to make dhikr on jumuah,
Everybody's looking forward to his mercy.

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Lyrics published on 03/19/2020 | Correct these lyrics or Submit your Lyrics for Raef.

Home > Raef > It's Jumuah (Friday)

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