Raef Song Lyrics - My Life Matters
My Life Matters - Song Lyrics - by Raef

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Below you can read the song lyrics of My Life Matters by Raef, found in Album Mercy released by Raef in 2019. Remember that you can play this song at the right column of this page by clicking on the PLAY button. You can also use the lyrics scroller to sing along with the music and adjust the speed by using the arrows. Press CTRL-D on your keyboard to bookmark this page. Report broken, missing or wrong video to us here and we will fix it.

Mercy - Raef lyrics

My Life Matters
Raef Song Lyrics

Artist: Raef
Album: Mercy (2019)

You've trapped me in, shut out, and put me down
Keepin the world far out with walls around
Just stop resisting and you'll be fine
We've heard you say this a million times
I wanna live my life in harmony
The way the holy land was meant to be
Have you been blue-blinded by the media?
Chipping away at my hurriyah
With all that's twisted in this crazy world
I want you to know my life matters.

I'll set the clouds on fire 'cause it's how I feel
I want the world to know that my pain is real
It's time to make it right, it's time to join the fight
Cause I can't breathe, just let me be!
With all that's twisted in this crazy world
I want you to know my life matters!

I see your lights, they're flashing red white and blue
Just keep it cool and calm, it's what we're told to do
Hands in the air now and you'll be fine
You've only done this a million times
Just know I'm proud, in love with my own skin
That's all you see, your fear is running you thin
You say I'm only here to protect and serve
Then why do I feel like I'm less than my worth?
With all that's twisted in this crazy world
I want you to know my life matters.

I'll set the clouds on fire 'cause it's how I feel
I want the world to know that my pain is real
It's time to make it right, it's time to join the fight
Cause I can't breathe, just let me be!
With all that's twisted in this crazy world
I want you to know my life matters!

Only got one and it'll pass us by
Time's running out and then we wonder why
Looking at a mirror, I'll tell you what I see
The world gets better when I start with me.

I'll set the clouds on fire 'cause it's how I feel
I want the world to know that my pain is real
It's time to make it right, it's time to join the fight
Cause I can't breathe, just let me be!
With all that's twisted in this crazy world
I want you to know my life matters!

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Lyrics published on 03/19/2020 | Correct these lyrics or Submit your Lyrics for Raef.

Home > Raef > My Life Matters

Mercy lyrics Artist: Raef
Album: Mercy
Song: My Life Matters
Release: (2019)

  My Life Matters

More music by Raef

Mercy (2019)
The Path (2014)

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