Riley Green

Can't Write A Love Song

There's nothin' easy about a sunday
In this church pew with my family
The small town where I was raised
Lookin' back on, all the sins of my ways
And there's nothin' easy about a sunday.

There's somethin' lonely about this barstool
With this guitar playing for a crowd but none of them are you
When I'm thinkin' about all the hell I put you through
And there's somethin' lonely about this barstool.

And I can't make the words to what I tell you right
Livin' my life one glass at a time
As much as I'd like to sing a song that just might make you miss me
I can't write a love song drinkin' whiskey.

There's something missin', from the old days
When my grandpa worked his fingers to the bone pickin' cotton and haulin' hay
All I can imagine is a song that I can play
And there's somethin' missin' from the old days.

There's nothin' sober about me these days
In our bedroom with this guitar and that black label's took your place
And it don't burn me, no I've even started to like the taste
There's nothin' sober about me these days.

And I can't make the words to what I tell you right
Livin' my life one glass at a time
As much as I'd like to sing a song that just might make you miss me
I can't write a love song drinkin' whiskey
Drinkin' whiskey.