Seafret Song Lyrics - Can't Look Away
Can't Look Away - Song Lyrics - by Seafret

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Below you can read the song lyrics of Can't Look Away by Seafret, found in Album Most of Us Are Strangers released by Seafret in 2020. Remember that you can play this song at the right column of this page by clicking on the PLAY button. You can also use the lyrics scroller to sing along with the music and adjust the speed by using the arrows. Press CTRL-D on your keyboard to bookmark this page. Report broken, missing or wrong video to us here and we will fix it.

Most of Us Are Strangers - Seafret lyrics

Can't Look Away
Seafret Song Lyrics

Artist: Seafret
Album: Most of Us Are Strangers (2020)

I knew that we'd be more than friends
When I saw you shining
Somewhere in my heart I knew
Somewhere in my heart
Holding on to my belief
That you were another heart thief
Knew you'd pull my world apart
I knew it from the start.

All the love you gave me
You know it made me strong
Feeling alive, now back to life
I know where I belong
I'll never let them break me
I'll never do no wrong
We're on fire, we're on fire
And we're burning up.

I keep looking at you and it feels like
I've been staring at the sun, yeah you hurt my eyes
Can't look away, can't look away
Hey, hey, hey...

We just keep on rising
Faster than the lightning
Looking down on all below
Trying to keep control
Now the grip is tightening
Gonna keep on fighting
Somewhere in my heart I know
Somewhere in my heart.

All the love you gave me
You know it made me strong
Feeling alive, now back to life
I know where I belong
I'll never let them break me
I'll never do no wrong
We're on fire, we're on fire
And we're burning up.

I keep looking at you and it feels like
I've been staring at the sun, yeah you hurt my eyes
Can't look away, can't look away
Hey, hey, hey, hey...
I keep looking at you and it feels right
I've been staring at the sun, got me hypnotized
Can't look away, can't look away
Hey, hey, hey, hey...

I need to see it, feel it, breathe it
Don't let the light go, light go
I need to see it, feel it, breathe it
Don't let the light go, light go.

I keep looking at you and it feels like
I've been staring at the sun, yeah you hurt my eyes.

I keep looking at you and it feels like
I've been staring at the sun, yeah you hurt my eyes
Can't look away, can't look away
Hey, hey, hey, hey...
I keep looking at you and it feels right
I've been staring at the sun, got me hypnotized
Can't look away, can't look away
Hey, hey, hey, hey...

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Lyrics published on 03/16/2020 | Correct these lyrics or Submit your Lyrics for Seafret.

Home > Seafret > Can't Look Away

Most of Us Are Strangers lyrics Artist: Seafret
Album: Most of Us Are Strangers
Song: Can't Look Away
Release: (2020)

  Can't Look Away

More music by Seafret

Most of Us Are Strangers (2020)
Tell Me It's Real (2016)

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