Seafret Song Lyrics - Did We Miss The Morning?
Did We Miss The Morning? - Song Lyrics - by Seafret

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Seafret lyrics

Did We Miss The Morning?
Seafret Song Lyrics

Artist: Seafret

May the last leaf fall, she pinned my heart on the wall,
Cupids flaming arrow, making sure it won't fall,
Did we miss the morning? I told her I'd be awake,
I told her I'd been adoring, every move that she made,
If nature is beauty, then she is the most natural thing,
Cause loving is high in the winter but, it soars in the spring.

Here comes the sun, to dry off the rain,
And love leaves its mark, as it flows through our veins,
Don't undo the past,
What's done has been done,
We walk a heart shaped map,
With our backs to the sun.

Did we miss the morning?
I told her I'd been awake, I told her I'd been adoring,
Every move that she made.

Oh here comes the sun, to dry off the rain,
And love leaves its mark, as it flows through our veins,
If you break me in two, oh, you'll see her name,
I remember falling for you, and I still feel the same,
Don't undo the past,
What's done has been done,
We walk a heart shaped map,
With our backs to the sun.

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Lyrics published on 03/16/2020 | Correct these lyrics or Submit your Lyrics for Seafret.

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