Seafret Song Lyrics - Tell Me It's Real
Tell Me It's Real - Song Lyrics - by Seafret

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Tell Me It's Real - Seafret lyrics

Tell Me It's Real
Seafret Song Lyrics

Artist: Seafret
Album: Tell Me It's Real (2016)

She said I really don't mind if you have to leave my side
Cause I've been made to walk alone all the way through my life
And I never really thought about it, no I never really thought about it
It's because of you that I believe in me for the first time
I know, love's always been sink or swim so I won't.

Say it's over just as it begins,
So tell me it's real, just tell me it's real.

I left you unprotected in the fortress of your mind
Felt the rhythm of my heart beating out the words I couldn't find
And no I never really thought about it, no I never really thought about it
Stopped me dead in my tracks, as it hit me for the first time.

Yes I'm broke, thinking what if we never meet again and I froze.

What if heaven doesn't let me in?
Oh tell me it's real, just tell me it's real
Just tell me it's real, just tell me it's real.

Cause I know eventually it's all gonna happen how it's meant to be
Yeah, I know eventually it's all gonna happen how it's meant to be
Yeah, I'm still the same I was when you found me
You showed me what it feels like to be free
Yeah, I know eventually
Won't you tell me?
Won't you tell me?
Oh, tell me it's real
Tell me it's real
Tell me it's real
Just tell me it's real.

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Lyrics published on 03/16/2020 | Correct these lyrics or Submit your Lyrics for Seafret.

Home > Seafret > Tell Me It's Real

Tell Me It's Real lyrics Artist: Seafret
Album: Tell Me It's Real
Song: Tell Me It's Real
Release: (2016)

  Tell Me It's Real

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