Tears for Fears Song Lyrics - Los Reyes Catolicos (Reprise)

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Home > Tears for Fears > Los Reyes Catolicos (Reprise)

Raoul and the Kings of Spain - Tears for Fears lyrics

Los Reyes Catolicos (Reprise)
Tears for Fears Song Lyrics

Artist: Tears for Fears
Album: Raoul and the Kings of Spain (1995)

A home is like a castle
A place where a king can reign
Los reyes catolicos
Raoul and the kings of spain

Ghosts all gone (ghosts all gone)
Ghosts all gone
To another place

Los reyes catolicos
Los reyes catolicos
Los reyes catolicos
Los reyes catolicos

Ghosts all gone
Ghosts all gone
Ghosts all gone
To another place

Home > Tears for Fears > Los Reyes Catolicos (Reprise)



Raoul and the Kings of Spain lyrics Artist: Tears for Fears
Album: Raoul and the Kings of Spain
Release: (1995)

  Los Reyes Catolicos (Reprise)

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Karaoke scroller

A home is like a castle
A place where a king can reign
Los reyes catolicos
Raoul and the kings of spain

Ghosts all gone (ghosts all gone)
Ghosts all gone
To another place

Los reyes catolicos
Los reyes catolicos
Los reyes catolicos
Los reyes catolicos

Ghosts all gone
Ghosts all gone
Ghosts all gone
To another place

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